Well techincally Yud Shvat is already over, but I think of this whole trip
back to the east coast as a "Yud Shvat Trip." Anyway...
My flight was copacetic (In case you were wondering, "copacetic" IS a real word. Look it up ;)). Nothing out of the ordinary happened really...until I arrived in bustling JFK airport that is :). While I was waiting for Velvel and Levi to land, I watched some crazy black woman get herself arrested by yelling at the cops. One of the things she screamed out at the top of her lungs was - "This wouldn't be happening to me if I was white!!!" That started me thinking. It's an interesting question, and I wanted your opinion. I was wondering, do any of you loyal readers think that's true? Post some wisdom people, I'm countin' on y'all to enlighten me!
Ok moral questions aside - Lets get back to the story ;).
We quickly made our way to the Ohel, where - Wonder of wonders - There were no lines! Happily ensconced in the Ohel, I barely even noticed how cold my feet were (no shoes allowed in there, remember??). Really! I honestly just wasn't thinking about the fact that the temperature was well below freezing! Why are you looking at me like you dont believe me...? I also didn't notice the layer of frost slowly building up on my nose, or feel my hair freeze. I took no notice of any of these things (OK, maybe I noticed a little bit...).
After a good nights sleep, Velvel and I woke refreshed, and began the long and arduous journey to 770. It's hard to walk for 10 seconds without meeting someone who is so excited to see you, and just has to talk to you... I think I met all my friends and their grandmothers today. Speaking of grandmothers, how come they never seem cold?? Theyre always telling you to put on a coat, but they never seem to get goosebumps even! Whatever...
Levi "bumped" into us along the way - He caught me from behind with a flying tackle and a yell that would have frozen the blood of anyone who heard it, if their blood hadn't already been frozen by the weather...
It's 4am at the moment, and I think I shall retire. However fear not! I shall regale you with more of our exploits as soon as the moment allows for it :).We definitely have some stories, because after Daavening, Velvel and I spent the day bonding in Manhattan :-D. How can you go to Manhattan and not walk away with a story...? Pics to come too!